Arm In Arm ( has long been a major distributor of food bags in Trenton, as well as providing other services to folks struggling or at risk. For quite some time they had an office and distribution site just a few doors away from us on E Hanover but are no longer in that space. After using an outdoor site (a lot behind the Meetinghouse), for the Tuesday and Thursday Old Trenton Neighborhood distributions for several weeks, Arm In Arm contacted us, asking us about using our space so they could bring the clients, staff and volunteers in and out of the weather.
Our Meeting is very happy to welcome this important resource for our neighborhood! March 12th was day one for this collaboration and all went very well! The Property Committee did much planning and consideration for how this could happen in a way that served both Arm In Arm's needs and ours. John and Amy Kelly did much work executing this plan. They created rope lines to guide folks from checkin to food pickup to the "Next appointment" desk and back out. They have taken lead responsibility for clearing the area Tuesday morning and "resetting" for our Meeting on Thursday after that distribution.
Pictures are from the preparations and that first day.
