Last Saturday (June 15) a new Trenton Meeting event happened - "Trash Games". The Meeting's Young Friends Committee (MAJOR shout out to Brass Rabbit, aka Áiñe, for doing so much work on this) came up with this original idea. A clean up with a competitive twist. (Spoiler alert, competition relapsed into cooperaation and everybody/nobody won or lost!)
At noon, teams started at the Meetinghouse, prepared with garbage bags, gloves, bug spray, etc. Folks then dispersed throughout the neighborhood and beyond. There was cleanup on West Hanover, along the canal, around Rivera School and more.
Three hours later there were trash bags lined up next to the Meetinghouse, tired but happy folks shared pizza and stories. And everyone got a prize - a quart of orange juice!!
Below are before, a bit of the before, after and one team during the event.
Here we see an strorm drain grate cleanup before and after.
One adventurous participant couldn't resist harvesting some mulberries along the way.
